Other Desert Cities (Drama)



Brooke Wyeth returns home to Palm Springs to visit her parents after a six-year absence. A once-promising novelist, she announces to her family the imminent publication of a memoir dredging up a pivotal and tragic event in the family’s history – a wound that her parents don’t want reopened. Brooke has come home to draw a line in the sand and is daring her family to cross it. Her brother won’t play her game; her aunt knows way too much, and her parents fall into all their old routines as they plead with her to keep their story quiet. In this family, secrets are currency and everyone is rich.

Season: 2014-2015

Genre: Comedy

Open date: 2015

Show Type: Regular Show

Author: Jon Robin Baitz (2011)

Director: Warren Sampson

President: Linda Hart

ADDED ACCOLADES: Other Desert Cities was a 2012 finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Drama.

Brooke Wyeth - Jeannie Markionni

Polly Wyeth - Deb Brunette

Trip Wyeth - Jason Nisavic

Lyman Wyeth - Chuck Cairns

Silda Grauman - Karen Cassin