Nine (Musical)
Based on Federico Fellini’s 8½, the Tony award-winning NINE has it all; a midlife crisis, intriguing characters, rich tuneful, almost operatic music and some great dancing. Guido Contini is a movie director, desperate for creative inspiration and on the verge of a nervous breakdown. He juggles a married life, work and many other women, but at heart, he’s just a nine-year-old boy, playing at life.
Season: 2006-2007
Genre: Musical
Open date: 2006
Show Type: Regular Show
Book : Arthur Kopit
Director: Michael J. Renzi
President: Linda Hart
Original MUSIC & LYRICS: Maury Yeston
Cast List
Annabella played by Katie Conboy
Claudia played by Gina Vitucci
Francesca played by Tina Zagone
Gretchen von Krupt played by Sue Anne Snyder
Guido's Mother played by Fara Lynn Bingham
Ilsa von Hesse played by Katie Conboy
Little Guido's Friend played by Joey Kunst , Jonathan Jerkatis , Lexi Jerkatis , Olivia Renzi
Mama Maddelena played by Ann Mazzotti
Nun/Chorus played by Letty Sabo , Dahlia Podwol
Our Lady of The Spa played by Linda Presley
Saraghina played by Lara Heritage
Stephanie Necrophorus played by Nancy Gallagher
Carla played by Meghan Falica-Hoyt
Diana played by Sharon Rossi
Giuletta played by Emilie Lindbloom
Guido Contini played by Gil Oliva
Heidi von Strum played by Kelly Padden
Liliane LaFleur played by Lynn Werth
Luisa played by Regina Gadotti
Maria played by Annie Heldt
Olga von Strum played by Lisa Carreras
Renata played by Amber Heritage
Small parts/Chorus played by Amber Heritage
Young Guido played by Gabriel Velez