Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Drama)



Cat on a Hot Tin Roof* introduces the Pollitt family; a wealthy Southern clan on the brink of great change: The patriarch, known affectionately as Big Daddy, is dying of cancer. We meet Brick, Big Daddy’s favorite son, a former football star fallen prey to alcoholism. Brick’s rumored issues of being gay are part of his problem. Brick is married to Maggie, a sexually precocious nag who’d like nothing more than to sleep with her husband. Brick, however, will have none of it — he’s too busy marinating himself in booze.

FILM: 1958 Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman, Burl Ives

TV REVIVAL: 1974 Natalie Wood, Robert Wagner, Lawrence Olivier

*This production is part of our Theatre Exchange Program with The Stables Theatre in Hastings, England, performing in the USA in February and then, in the UK, in June.

Season: 2014-2015

Genre: Drama

Open date: 2015

Show Type: Regular Show

Author: Tennessee Williams (1955)

Director: Michael J. Renzi

President: Linda Hart

Cast List

Brick -James Gasber

Big Daddy - Rick Rapp - USA , Michael J. Renzi - UK

Doc Baugh - Gary Felicetti

Mae - Regina A. Gadotti

Maggie - Liz Yerkovich

Big Mama- Mary Ellen Fawk

Gooper - Phil Soulides - USA, Jeff Peterson - UK

Reverend Tooker - Andy Leahy