Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Drama)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof* introduces the Pollitt family; a wealthy Southern clan on the brink of great change: The patriarch, known affectionately as Big Daddy, is dying of cancer. We meet Brick, Big Daddy’s favorite son, a former football star fallen prey to alcoholism. Brick’s rumored issues of being gay are part of his problem. Brick is married to Maggie, a sexually precocious nag who’d like nothing more than to sleep with her husband. Brick, however, will have none of it — he’s too busy marinating himself in booze.
Season: 1994-1995
Genre: Drama
Open date: 1994
Show Type: # Regular Show
Author: Tennessee Williams (1955)
Director: Rick Rapp
President: Cyndy Falica
Cast List
Big Daddy played by Richard Zagone
Brick played by Doug Hoekstra
Mae played by Cathleen Drakulich
Bridie played by Denise Flamini
Dixie played by Annie Watts
Polly played by Elaine Wilson
Sonny played by Zach Lipschutz
Big Mamma played by Marlene Kelly Davisz
Gooper played by Michael J. Renzi
Margaret played by Kathy McInerney
Buster played by Schuyler Maehl
Doc Baugh played by Jerry Smejkal
Reverend Tooker played by Charles Kaffka
Trixie played by Samantha Chapleau