Angel Street
by Patrick Hamilton
DIRECTED BY: Jeff Ashlock
The play tells the demonic story of the Manninghams of Angel Street. Under the guise of kindness, Jack Manningham is slowly torturing his fragile wife Bella into insanity in his efforts to cover his search for treasure from his diabolical past. This production will be a female tour de force: a woman victimized; a cheeky young servant woman being used as a weapon in this victimization; a servant woman whose loyalty makes her a pawn who is shuttled about the chessboard; and a retired policewoman whose steadfast demeanor puts the victim's persecutor away.
Cast List
Jack Manningham-Ken Hawkley
Bella Manningham-Betsy Manzoni
Elizabeth-Mary Ellen Fawk
Nancy-P.J. Janicki
Inspector Rough-Kyna Simpson
DATE: Saturday, November 21, 2020 - 7:00p.m.
WHERE: Drama Group YouTube Channel
Since 2011, The Drama Group has offered script-in-hand readings of a variety of plays, expanding the scope of our offerings to Patrons, Subscribers and Members alike. Offered free-of-charge as true community out-reach, the series has brought to the stage titles we haven't been able to fit into our subscription season. The wide variety of plays featured have come from World Literature, popular American Drama, New Plays under development and Classics of Readers Theatre. Building these evenings on a shoestring with minimal rehearsal and production value allows us to focus in on the story.
We're always encouraging new participants and fresh ideas for this program. If you have interest in directing or participating as an actor, please contact the Reading Series Curator, MaryEllen Fawk.