A View from the Bridge (Drama)



A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller is a two-act play set by the docks of Red Hook, a working-class part of Brooklyn, New York. It is narrated by a lawyer, Alfieri, and revolves around the Carbone family – Eddie, his wife Beatrice and their niece Catherine. The family are first seen awaiting the arrival from Sicily of Beatrice’s cousins Marco and Rodolpho. (Sicily is the island which looks like the football on the end of Italy’s 'boot'). The cousins arrive late one night, and the Carbone family welcome them. Catherine and Rodolpho are attracted to each other, which annoys Eddie a lot. He finds more and more things to dislike about Rodolpho as the young couple grow closer over the following weeks.

Season: 2003-2004

Genre: Drama

Open date: 2004

Show Type: Regular Show

Director: Michael J. Renzi "

President: Tony Labriola

Cast List

Beatrice played by Regina Gadotti

Eddie Carbone played by Marc Hamilton

Tony played by Matt Lungaro

Ensemble/Neighbors played by Liz Hitchcock , Joshua Razavi , Val Steele

First Immigration Officer played by Dan Douma

Mr. Lipari played by Regina Gadotti

Rudolfo played by Reid H. O'Connell

econd Immigration Officer played by Joshua Razavi

Catherine played by Jamie Killion

Marco played by Gary Korpitz

Alfieri played by Jerry Smejkal

First "Submarine" played by Adam Dreyfuss

Mike played by Emerson Caress II

Mrs. Lipari played by Kelly Padden

Second "Submarine" played by Phillip Biedron