Season: 1932-33

Kempy (Comedy)

Genre: Comedy

Open date: 1932

Show Type: Regular Show

Author: J.C. & Elliott Nugent

Director: Adele Mernitz

President: Alma B. Thurman

Synopsis: A dizzy young woman arranges to turn her inventor-boyfriend’s vacation into a chance meeting with a possible investor who happens to be her brother’s future father-in-law. And Wacky stuff happens


The Enchanted April (Comedy)

Genre: Comedy

Open date: 1933

Show Type: Regular Show

Playwright Elizabeth Von Arnim

Director: Miner Coburn

President: Alma B. Thurman


Synopsis: When two frustrated London housewives decide to rent a villa in Italy for a holiday away from their bleak marriages, they recruit two very different English women to share the cost and the experience. There, among the wisteria blossoms and Mediterranean sunshine, all four bloom again—rediscovering themselves in ways that they—and we—could never have expected