The Crucible 1982 (Drama)
It takes place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. It recounts the events surrounding the Salem Witch Trials. This was a time when paranoia, hysteria, and deceit gripped the Puritan towns of New England.
Season: 1981-1982
Genre: Drama
Open date: 1982
Show Type: Regular Show
Author: Arthur Miller
Director: Mary Lee Hoganson
President: Denise Buckley-Chilcote
Cast List
Betty Parris played by Mary Keating
Reverend Samuel Parris played by Phil Hurlbut
Tituba played by Marilouse Reed
Abigail Williams played by Debra L. Stilwell
Susanna Wallcott played by Lisa Samuiloff
Mrs. Ann Putnam played by Rebecca Borter
Thomas Putnam played by Tony Labriola
Mercy Lewis played by Mary Pat Cranston
Mary Warren played by Cindy Barwick
John Proctor played by Michael Hamilton
Rebecca Nurse played by Peggy Johnson
Giles Corey played by Robert Alexander
Reverend John Hale played by David McCann
Elizabeth Proctor played by Joann Evans
Francis Nurse played by Phil O’Toole
Ezekiel Cheever played by Bob Havens
John Willard played by Emerson Caress II
Judge Hathorne played by Joe Di Lorenzo
Deputy Governor Danforth played by Tom Collins, Jr.
Sarah Good played by Sylvia Yaseen
Hopkins played by Robert Stevens