Little Shop of Horrors 1988 (Musical)
Seymour, a Flower Shop employee and nerd buys and interesting plant with a verocious appetite…for blood! A great, funny musical with some great musical numbers…Somewhere That’s Green, Suddenly Seymour, Feed Me and more!
Season: 1987-1988
Genre: Musical
Open date: 1988
Show Type: Regular Show
Book : Howard Ashman(Book &
Director: Bernie Jablonski &
President: Mary Lee Hoganson
Original MUSIC & LYRICS: Alan Menken
Cast List
Audrey played by Egla Di Tola
Audrey II (voice) played by Mark Watts
Orin, Bernstein, Snip, Luce played by Bob Keating
Chiffon played by Mary F. Randle
Derelict played by Mark Watts
Audrey II (manipulation) played by Lane Halverson
Mushnik played by Al Guido
Seymour played by Michael J. Renzi
Crystal played by Denine Lenore Webb
Ronnette played by Mmelashon Jackson