Biloxi Blues (Comedy)
Neil Simon’s semi-autobiographical comedy… The story centers around 20-year-old Eugene Morris Jerome from Brooklyn, who is drafted into the United States Army during World War II and is sent to Biloxi, Mississippi for basic training. Eugene learns to cope with fellow soldiers from all walks of life, falls in love, and loses his virginity under less than ideal circumstances, all while having to navigate around the eccentricities of his drill sergeant.
Season: 2010-2011
Biloxi Blues Genre: Comedy
Open date: 2011
how Type: Regular Show
Author: Neil Simon (1985) &
Director: Joe Hoyt
President: Charlie Misovye
Cast List
Carney played by Brian Giblin
Eugene played by Fred Harvey
Selridge played by Matt Lungaro
Wykowski played by Jason Nisavic
Rowena played by Jennifer Price
Epstein played by Andrew Wlos
Hennesey played by Dan Douma
Sgt. Toomey played by Lane Halverson
Daisy played by Emilie Lindbloom